Barcelona direct: The EA Sports league is alive

Last hour of Villarreal – Barcelona

¡Muy buenas tardes! Arrancamos in this moment of the narrative en directo del partido Villarreal – Barcelonaque se disputa a partir de las 18:30 in the stadium of La Ceramica.

El Villarreal You intend to obtain a certificate before purchasing league Su buen arranque de temporada. Before the dispute between the parties this month, the team Marcelino Arrancaba cuarto en la classification, invicto, con three Victorias j two empaths. The submarine was specifically designed for its golead capacity, which was important to him 11 Tantos in los five first encounters. Do not ask the Asturian technician for the data 8 clamped holes.

El Barcelona presents himself as head of the league with a step I took, Cinco Victorias and Cinco Encuentros, 17 goes a favor; four, againsta week later, when the last notifications followed him. From a Lado, debut en la Champions with Derrota (2:1 ahead of Monaco); on the other hand, how Fermin You are harmed in elementary school because you have a lesion in your hand recto anterior of the pierna derecha. Hansi FlickThe Azulgrana technician is responsible for the reconnaissance of the new football team, which can monitor him three weeks from underneath.

But in the match of La Ceramica Make sure you are happy and assured that you are living in a lively environment because you saw a few equipped at the beginning of the Campeonato. It was part of what Reojo felt real Madrid j Atleticoya que a victoria local impediría que el Barcelona However, this is even more, but also the meter of the submarine and the water through the Liderato.

The party heads the Arbitration Court of the Balearic Committee Busquets-Ferrersupported in the VAR from Iglesias Villanueva.

After you told me that everything was successful in the last moments, I confirmed it; And that's why most of the destacadas, goles and the polemic –si las hubiera– during the party. ¡Empezamos!

By Vanessa

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