What is the temperature in Dallas?

Information about the climate is becoming increasingly relevant for society. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)
Information about the climate is becoming increasingly relevant for society. (Infobae/Jovani Pérez)

Spring, winter, autumn or winter, for those days it did not matter that we were at sea, before the recent times the climate changed when after a while I entered a state of cooling with the sun's rays, subjecting my eyes to torture.

The information climate I have seen a habit between many people to see what I have to do to rest, take a trip or decide not to go with a Paraguay. On September 23, the current state of affairs will continue in Dallas.

During the day the temperature alcanzará a maximum of 29 degrees, the rain forecast 65% and 70% were less than 22 kilometers per hour.

During UV radiation, you wait until you reach level 3.

For the night, the temperature llegará a los 21 grades, mientras que The probability of precipitation Será de 25%, with a nubosidad del 25%, mientras que las ráfagas de viento serán de 11 km per hour at night.

The climate forecast for Dallas (infographics)
The climate forecast for Dallas (infographics)

The city of Dallas was located in the United States and was situated in the northwest of the state of Texas, along with its other name.

The climate in the Texan city is predominantly subtropicalwhat does it mean that Inviernos frios or templados, as well as summers humedos and calidosmore than one period of rainfall repeated throughout the year.

Highest temperatures You are in July and August and continue to travel around 40 degrees; In contrast, last year it is already the warm climate prevailswith temperatures around freezing point.

Therefore, the girl with more rainfall in Dallas regularly in May.

Because it is a large country, the United States offers a tremendous variety of climates, practically everything.

The country is the United Kingdom There are two central climate zones: the subtropical climate and the continental climate.

Inconsistent in the north The prevailing climate is el continental wetland They were characterized by the constant Lluvias at the beginning of the year, which tormented during the winter and Nevada at the beginning of the invierno.

The safest state in the United States The state of the time in which it prevailed subtropical wetland Cuenta con Veranos Cálidos, Inviernos frescoes and rainfall abundant.

From the eastern sideThere are three major climate zones: semi-arid, arid and mediterranean.

The climate is semi-annual, in its sub-stateaway The part lies further in the center of the east and the north in the United Statescharacterized by falling precipitation and low temperatures.

In the South of the United States it where it is presented Climate árido, tanto en su subtipo frost como cálido. In the cold season, extremely high temperatures prevailed in winter and temperatures prevailed in the winter months. In both cases, there was no precipitation.

The Mediterranean climate register in The zone with the highest coastline in the East is in the north They are characterized by their warm and sunny winters, rather than their dry and cold summers.

By Vanessa

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